Purple Heart - Handwriting

The Wood Cutter and The King

Gw dapet cerita ini dari game Harvest Moon. Kalau hubungan kamu sama Mary udah cukup deket, Mary bakal  dateng ke rumah lu dan ngasih pinjem buku, nah gw mao share isi ceritanya nih.

Once upon a time there was a woodcutter who lived in a small country. One day the wood cutter wa called before the king. The king ordered the woodcutter to go and find a special nut that was said to prolog life. The woodcutter finally found the rare nut way on he top of a tall tree in the forest. But as he prepared to cut the tree down... The woodcutter suddenly heard a voice. It was the tall tree, asking "please don't cut me down." The woodcutter felt pity for the tree and decided to let it stand...
To his surprised, the tall tree give him the nut in thanks. The woodcutter had never seen a nut of that color before, but he dutifully sent the nut to the king. The king ordered the woodcutter to chop down the tree down and bring it to the castle. But the woodcutter refused... In anger, the king threw the woodcuter in the dungeon and set off himself to cut down the tree. But none of the tree had any nuts, and the king lost his way and never came out. The woodcutter was saved.

Cerita ini salah satu cara buat dapetin powerberry. Kalian bisa pergi ke mother's hill, tempat banyak bunga, ada 1 pohong cedar disitu, coba tebang pake kapak, nanti pohon itu akan ngomong "please don't cut me down", kalau kalian turuti buat tidak menebangnya, pohon itu akan ngasih powerberry sebagai ucapan terimakasih.


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